Live Webcasting – CE Concepts – San Diego

ICV’s crews were dispatched for an early morning event for CE Concepts in San Diego.

live webcasting services

These events are an on-going series of Medical Education programs for Newer Cancer Treatment Regimens.

Look for the next event next week in Ft. Worth, Texas


An archive of the content is made available at the same URL as the live event making it easy for viewers to locate and view your content. Use any URL you want with our media portal. It doesn’t have to be within anyone else’s domain. We provide the edited files to you for inclusion with your own network as well. Streaming to any online CDN or host is simple. And remember, ICV provides as little or as much of the event management and equipment you need. . We have crews across the country and also in Europe and Asia.

To learn more about Townhall webcasts for your organization, visit or give us a call at 800-272-3070