Live Webcasting Rack and Camera

Live Webcasting from China – New England Journal of Medicine

ICV returns to China – Webcasting Live for NEJM

New England Journal of Medicine once again tapped ICV to produce another webcast in it’s New Marketplace webcast series. Having produced dozens of live webcasts and conferences across the US over the past 5 years for NEJM, ICV was able to leverage our well honed process to pull of this highly successful and well attended international event.

NEJM Live Webcasting Services in ChinaNEJM staff meticulously planned and carefully outlined all of the requirements and provided excellent support for ICV’s logistics required to webcast from Mainland China. Months before the event we collaborated on design and content for the secure Media Portal using our proprietary V3+ enterprise webcasting platform. ICV developed a multi language webcast player that allowed viewers on-line to switch between a Chinese translated stream or the English speaking stream.

The streaming content, the agenda and the venue were worked out with NEJM colleagues in China. Getting our flypacks of gear packed and travel ready is something we do everyday so ICV was able to  hop off the plane, get through customs (thank you Clear ID), ICV was on-site, setup and testing streams the same day we arrived.

The audience onsite at Jiahui Health was large and enthusiastic for this cross cultural event that brought panel discussions and subject matter experts from both countries together to learn and bring international perspectives on delivery of care and the  global lessons to be learned.

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