Live Webcasting at the HIPAA Summit Conference in DC
Webcasting for 3 days at this important annual Health Care conference, ICV is employing our mobile webcasting solution in multiple rooms for 3 days. ICV is providing not only the A/V support and video production for this global event, with our HD cameras including the Panasonic 3100 Fiber Cameras, our video flypack racks, we also provide the technology platform for the videos streaming and user access with our Enterprise Media Portal. The Media Portal includes a complete custom website that our clients can control, at the URL of your choice.
Using the Media Portal, user registration, video and event access control, video content management and event creation and streaming can all be in your hands. Setup and launch websites with mobile friendly responsive video players at any time in minutes. Once you have the site online, just call ICV and we will manage all video production and streaming to any audience anywhere using our global CDN.
Too busy? Let ICV setup and launch everything for you as part of our webcasting service. With ICV you get one vendor for the technology, streaming and video production.
You can use the Media Portal for On-Demand streaming of existing or new produced video content as well. All live webcasts can be set to playback on-demand so your audience doesn’t miss a thing. E-commerce, sponsor placement, email notifications, chat are all included in the affordable and robust Media Portal platform.
Learn more at or call 800-272-3070